NintendoAge -Sqooner NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-17T00:59:30 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T22:52:21 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T22:46:33 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T22:21:56 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 61,845

Here's my first score and participation point for this half. I wanted to play this game this week since it's one of the first I ever bought for my NES and I love nostalgia value. I suck at it like any other shooter, but still I had to give it a play. After this, I'm still going to be busy and I'll be on a limited schedule. Good luck to all in the coming weeks and the rest of this half.

NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T22:15:29 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 Originally posted by: cdbblw

I updated my score I was on like a 700000 run and my cat hit my NES and froze it
o well I am tired and 580000 is not a bad score

skinny kicking a gear up nice job
I had the same thing happen to me on a run right at the end boss : / 

as far as video games go I feel all of you guys are peers to me and it's pretty cool (even if I don't come out on top) to put up a score that you guys respect.
NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T21:50:07 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 Didn't have much time to play, I'm sure I could beat Brendan if I put the time in.
Oh well, next time I'll be better. ]]>
NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T21:49:58 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 Score: 298,911

NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T21:04:44 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93
o well I am tired and 580000 is not a bad score

skinny kicking a gear up nice job ]]>
NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T20:32:13 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 ]]> NintendoAge 2015 Weekly Contests Presents: Captain Skyhawk 2015-08-16T18:41:12 -05.00 bimmy_lee 93 Originally posted by: BriGuy82

You have the coolest tv, what kind is it?
Thanks! Definitely cool to look at.. a bit pricy if you buy one now (were much cheaper when newly manufactured):
