NintendoAge -Sqooner [RVGFANATIC] My own personal effort in commemorating the SNES 2018-09-03T15:23:57 -05.00 Steve 5 [RVGFANATIC] My own personal effort in commemorating the SNES 2018-09-03T06:25:50 -05.00 Steve 5
Review #130 was for the fan translated Bahamut Lagoon. I know that's more of a Japanese game hence the quotation marks around North American, lol. At any rate, 130 lengthy ass SNES reviews, wow. Every review means something to me. I can almost recall exactly where I was when I wrote a certain review and what was happening in my life during that time... it's crazy. Anyway, my goal is to just keep pushing. Nearly 12 years later and I still love writing reviews now as much as I did from day 1 way back in January of 2007. If you haven't visited my site in a while (or if you have yet to ever), here are my 130 SNES reviews.

For more, visit

Here's to 130 more!  

Happy Labor Day everyone! ]]>
[RVGFANATIC] My own personal effort in commemorating the SNES 2015-11-29T18:44:57 -05.00 Steve 5 Hey guys,
RVGFanatic has a brand new URL!

Cheers. ]]>
[RVGFANATIC] My own personal effort in commemorating the SNES 2012-05-28T02:27:04 -05.00 Steve 5

[RVGFANATIC] My own personal effort in commemorating the SNES 2012-03-02T18:08:44 -05.00 Steve 5

Over 5 years ago, January 2007, I decided to launch a long-term, ambitious website project to serve as my own personal SNES review database. There's also some Sega Saturn pieces, 8-bit NES reviews and miscellaneous real life ramblings (i.e. memories of Halloween, 9/11, etc.), but the primary focus of RVGFANATIC will always be about the SNES (my all-time favorite system).

Be sure to stop by the "obscure" Super Famicom games section. Here you will find largely Japanese-exclusive SNES games such as King of Demons, DoReMi Fantasy, Godzilla: Kaijuu Daikessen, Magical Pop'n, Deae Tonosama Appare Ichiban (bizarre Pocky & Rocky clone!), etc. The main focus of my site are the US SNES reviews, which currently stand at 96. Note, most of them have 100+ pictures. So, if you enjoy reviews that go on forever with endless pictures and rambles like there's no tomorrow, or if you just have a lot of time to kill... welcome to RVGFANATIC

In closing, I'm just a huge SNES nut who loves sharing my thoughts and (hopefully coherent!) ramblings with the world wide web. RVGFANATIC is my one-man effort to commemorate the system of my childhood and the one system I will always love, even when I turn 80 (God willing). I hope you enjoy.

-Steve ]]>