NintendoAge -Sqooner Database Links 2016-04-06T13:45:53 -05.00 Vivi-gamer 1
We've been putting a lot of effort into updating the Database over at PSA (PlayStation Age as we're no known ) & A lot of the time people are saying they find the system a bit clunky and two seperate from the forum to use. So I was wondering if there was a way we could interggrate some way to quickly input links to the database titles while making a post on the fourm.

Similar to Twitter for example, on Twit' if you want to filter news or have your post related to say Final Fantasy XV, you put a # infront so so it reads as #FinalFantasyXV, then you can include the relation in your post. Is it possible to do a similar feature on our forums. Either have an assigned key to active the search so say I want to input Chrono Trigger, I start with the key (Let's use Twit's as an example) #Chron - & As I am typing a listing for Chrono Trigger may appear.

Either that or maybe we could have an icon in the box we use when posting a message above the text, like the emoticon icon or the youtube icon, but one that links to our database and users and use it to search for a title then inlcude it into there post. When the text is displayed in the post it would be neat if we could have it as a clickable link to the databse page of said game. I think this way would be more efficient and plausible but of course this is just an idea i have, I don't know what it would take to make it actually feesable.

I think as a collecting forum, we need to make the Database more accessible, admittedly I have been on PSA for a god 4 years, and I only really took note of it a few months back. I just wanted to see what people thought of the idea (Which I hope I have described well enough ) ]]>