NintendoAge -Sqooner Neo Geo MV-1FZS PCB, Metal Slug 5 MVS cart w/large marquee poster 2015-10-17T19:34:41 -05.00 XC-3730C 1 Cart with large marquee poster: Both cart and marquee poster are sold together as a set. PRICE: $225 shipped in the USA I also have a Neo Geo MV-1FZS MVS PCB board. I believe this is the same as the MV-1FZ, and I don't what the difference is. This was recently working in a cabinet, and works great. It is very clean, and in good physical and functional shape, with no errors. Front of the PCB with shell with MS5 cart (sold separately): Bottom of the PCB with no shell: Top of the PCB with no shell: Price: $180 Shipped ]]>