NintendoAge -Sqooner Offering $150.00 For Cheetahmen II Cart Only!! 2007-02-03T14:18:13 -05.00 Parpunk 4 Originally posted by: Parpunk

I have also tried to get jumpman's from him, but he wants me to buy a sealed one and then sell him my box lol. So its kinda vice versa there lol. :-/

Well I don't know what the market is for people who want the just the CII box is, but it might be a good idea to jump on that offer while it's still available. You'll make back half (or more) of the money you spend on the sealed/CIB one in the long run anyway.

Offering $150.00 For Cheetahmen II Cart Only!! 2007-02-03T11:38:09 -05.00 Parpunk 4 Offering $150.00 For Cheetahmen II Cart Only!! 2007-02-03T02:33:04 -05.00 Parpunk 4
Jumpman on DP is (I think) the only guy known to have a loose CII. Now, he completed his NES set all loose and decided to go CIB afterward. I have no idea how committed he is, but if you're lucky, you just may be able to convince him to sell you his loose CII and then put that money toward a CIB CII which would save two people from trying to piece together this "collector's only/always CIB" game.

Worth a try, me thinks. ]]>
Offering $150.00 For Cheetahmen II Cart Only!! 2007-02-02T21:19:11 -05.00 Parpunk 4 -mark ]]>