NintendoAge -Sqooner Soul Blazer 2013-03-29T07:50:57 -05.00 Zing 17
1. Soul Blazer
2. Terranigma
2. The Illusion of Gaia

I agree that Gaia can seem somewhat disjointed and "wtf" at times, but it's a decent game. I always get stuck right around the middle, too. ]]>
Soul Blazer 2013-03-29T02:43:35 -05.00 Zing 17
Faltain is right though. Blazer is good and epic at times, but Gaia I really enjoy. Haunting music at times, and creepy locations. I like the creepy Moon Tribe and morality issues that play themselves out. Terranigma is even better, and combined the first 2 games and added its own spice.

Soul Blazer 2013-03-29T00:33:22 -05.00 Zing 17
Soul Blazer is one of those games that I have gone back to over the years several times to playthough I will admit, though... while Gaia isn't typically a game I crave playing again. ]]>
Soul Blazer 2013-03-28T23:39:42 -05.00 Zing 17
On a related note, I tried Illusion of Gaia for several hours last night. I didn't enjoy any of it. I'm not going into a long rant, but the dialog is uninteresting and poorly translated, the story is all over the place, and the fact that the d-pad dismisses dialog boxes made me miss about a third of the text in the first town. There was no explanation for anything that was happening. For example, within the first minute of the game, the schoolboy finds a portal to outer space on top of his school, enters it without hesitation, finds talking statues that tell him he is the chosen one, and he doesn't say a single word.

I added Gaia to my trade box for next weeks swap meet. Soul Blazer is a classic with an impeccable translation, awesome and lengthy end sequence, and easy but fun game design. It's like Gaia was made by an entirely different set of people. ]]>
Soul Blazer 2013-03-28T18:14:34 -05.00 Zing 17 Soul Blazer 2013-03-28T17:04:54 -05.00 Zing 17 Soul Blazer 2013-03-28T10:42:04 -05.00 Zing 17 Soul Blazer 2013-03-28T08:06:35 -05.00 Zing 17 Originally posted by: Faltain1

Originally posted by: JBOGames

I have started this up a few times over the years, and for one reason or another haven't completed it. It's a great game that I want to finish some day. Would love a Super NES continuation of Crystalis... but this is as close as I will get I guess.
Yeah that'd be sick... an SNES Crystalis!

Maybe one day someone will make a homebrew... we can hope. I never thought about this...would be most awesome!

Soul Blazer is where it's at, however.

Soul Blazer 2013-03-28T03:46:52 -05.00 Zing 17 Soul Blazer 2013-03-28T02:22:36 -05.00 Zing 17