NintendoAge -Sqooner We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-20T20:48:11 -05.00 Dain 61 I have a great idea for a feature!

"As discovered during Campout 2011" - The most crazy, random and out there comments, quotes and incidents you may just have missed at this years Campout!

^_^ Also a nice precursor for next year as it simply hypes the next year.

God knows I got people who keep wondering what bout of randomness I will bring to Funspot each year, so this is just a logical extension of awesomeness in theory.


NA Story Time! Take some classic Nes game, get some kinda fiction going down! Idea came to me when I was sifting through my archives to update my collection list and came across my old TG WR announcement posts. I know I definitely had fun taking pokes at games like Wizards & Warriors, Tetris and even Zelda II, figure others might too!

Who knows.. might turn into some kinda mini-comic affair too!

We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-17T13:21:59 -05.00 Dain 61 Originally posted by: SKULLDEATH9000

Two Ideas:

I would be willing to do a write up on random NES game trivia, consisting of 10 questions that you would make you either play the game or cheat to answer some of them. Perhaps prizes could be offered up, that people could donate and ship to the winner?

I would also be willing do set up a game scavenger hunt where users would have to submit photo's to participate. These photo's would cover in game screen shots, game boxes and manuals for unique items they must identify. The winner would be announce monthly in the magazine which would also win a prize for donations submitted by other NA members.

What does everyone think dude,

Great ideas Skull, I love the sporcle quizzes where they have extreme closeup pictures of characters. Maybe you could incorporate that with your second idea i.e this link only even closer

We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-17T12:12:50 -05.00 Dain 61 Originally posted by: SKULLDEATH9000

Two Ideas:

I would be willing to do a write up on random NES game trivia, consisting of 10 questions that you would make you either play the game or cheat to answer some of them. Perhaps prizes could be offered up, that people could donate and ship to the winner?

I would also be willing do set up a game scavenger hunt where users would have to submit photo's to participate. These photo's would cover in game screen shots, game boxes and manuals for unique items they must identify. The winner would be announce monthly in the magazine which would also win a prize for donations submitted by other NA members.

What does everyone think dude,
Sounds good to me, especially the trivia.  I like the kind of quizzes they have on Sporcle, but I think their range is very broad in terms of gaming.  NES-only or even SNES-only trivia would be sweet.

We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-17T12:07:47 -05.00 Dain 61
I would be willing to do a write up on random NES game trivia, consisting of 10 questions that you would make you either play the game or cheat to answer some of them. Perhaps prizes could be offered up, that people could donate and ship to the winner?

I would also be willing do set up a game scavenger hunt where users would have to submit photo's to participate. These photo's would cover in game screen shots, game boxes and manuals for unique items they must identify. The winner would be announce monthly in the magazine which would also win a prize for donations submitted by other NA members.

What does everyone think dude,
Skulldeath ]]>
We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-17T11:17:20 -05.00 Dain 61 Originally posted by: Strife

Personally, I'd like the price guide to be separate from the e-zine. That way nobody has to wait for the entire thing to be finished before one or the other can be published.

That's a great idea - keeping the price guide separate. It will also be quicker to reference it instead of flipping through the whole zine.

xARSEFACEx had emailed me way back in the day about doing a member interview on me (which was odd at the time, because I was new, didn't have my NES but he wanted something a little different). I can find what I wrote about that. Always happy to give random girl gamer articles. I really miss writing. :-)

We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-10T21:56:25 -05.00 Dain 61 We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-08T00:37:37 -05.00 Dain 61 We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-07T22:27:13 -05.00 Dain 61 Originally posted by: Dain

Even good article ideas are welcome. I've been in the situation multiple times where I felt like writing and didn't have a topic in mind.

I would like an article on how to start a Gameboy loose and CIB collection. What would be good prices, and the games to look out for for starters. Ones that are reasonably priced, but should always be in the first few you track down for the collection because of playability.  General Values for common fodder and the like.  Not an article on the "High End" side of the collection. ]]>
We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-07T22:17:36 -05.00 Dain 61 We're resurrecting the e-zine! 2011-06-07T17:06:38 -05.00 Dain 61