NintendoAge -Sqooner Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-10-29T06:40:10 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Originally posted by: GhostNinja

It's feedback like this that really makes me enjoy this place. I can't speak for all the other mods, though I'm sure at the very least most would agree, we really do have the best intentions in everything we do and do our best to make this place a great community where people can hang out with good people and talk about something they love. Of course, if anyone ever has an issue with a B/S/T thread getting derailed, just hit us up. I have no problem asking a member or two to nicely keep it on topic.
I should also mention that 99% of the drama I've seen hasn't actually been in the BST category. The only real issues I've seen in BST is people denouncing someone for being untrustworthy or what have you. Honestly, I don't think you could make this place much better than it already is. The internet has so many people, nice or not, and the ratio of great people to bad people in this place is something I haven't seen anywhere else. It's all about the collecting, getting good deals on things you enjoy and just having nice chats about whatever, and I'm ok with that, even if there are a few bad eggs. ]]>
Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-10-28T22:32:34 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Originally posted by: GhostNinja

I haven't been here for too long, and I'd happily say this is the best community I've ever been in. I can't really say how much it's changed over the years, but the drama levels are very low compared to other places on the internet. People for the most part seem to get on fine. I'm not even sure where I'm going with this really, so someone post something so I can actually respond properly.

It's feedback like this that really makes me enjoy this place.  I can't speak for all the other mods, though I'm sure at the very least most would agree, we really do have the best intentions in everything we do and do our best to make this place a great community where people can hang out with good people and talk about something they love.

Of course, if anyone ever has an issue with a B/S/T thread getting derailed, just hit us up.  I have no problem asking a member or two to nicely keep it on topic.
Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-10-28T18:52:56 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-10-28T18:05:37 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Originally posted by: GhaleonsDeadMyFriend

This paragraph touches on MasonSushi's post and the entire forums in general: I remember reading a sticky to the tune of "treat others with respect and kindness, it's a small community, we're a tight bunch here let's not be jerks to each other, etc". Not sure if that's still around or not, but the FAQ is littered with rules and guidelines that support this concept of treating others as you'd wish to be treated. Sometimes I see the mods/admins drop by a thread and put someone on the spot for being an asshole, to chill out, etc. Most of the time that'll defuse things. Sometimes folks just need to be reminded that we're all human.

Well said.

The only problem is that along with mature, reasonable conversation that is taking place in threads like this regarding positive change to the commerce aspect of the site as you eluded to before, comes a certain component of ignorance by new, (typically) young, inexperienced members who may have come from other communities who have an inability to read forum FAQ's. It has astounded me that as we approach the holiday season (or the commercial part of it anyway) how many people have popped up on here and broken several, if not more rules, been banned for it, and then belly-ached that they want back in because "they didn't know" and "lost their temper" or some permutation of that idea.

I'm just saying, wishful thinking, is wishful thinking; you're right, we're all human. Humans are ignorant creatures.
Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-10-28T18:01:23 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Originally posted by: p33jay

I love the idea of cleaning up bst threads and love the idea of removing older no longer relevant posts. Just my 2 cents.

I'm going to threadshit here just to prove the importance of threadshitting.

This quote is an example of the pot calling the kettle black.

The End.
Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-09-25T13:35:43 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Originally posted by: MasonSushi

Originally posted by: jonebone

Originally posted by: acomicbookguyc

Originally posted by: Benihana

Originally posted by: MasonSushi

One of the reasons I have slowed down on the forums is the massive influx of sheer assholes. Far too many people come here and talk shit and act like they know everything. I am an old collector that likes to take it easy, and help a fellow collector out. I send random stuff that will help somebody's collection, because it makes me happy not because I expect anything back. Now the new asshats are trying nickle and dime people, backstab, and just give game collectors a bad name. What ever happened to community??? I think there are far too many resellers here that don't really collect. Now I understand funding a collection by selling items, and i have no problem with people that own stores that collect. Why you ask?? Because they are collectors. The ones that have no interest in collecting and are just here to piss people off and make a buck can all F-off in my book.

I am a community man. I like peace and I want people to be able to work out there own problems. Talk it out like men, instead of crying for a mod at the slightest whiff of a problem. They are here to MODERATE, not play mommy and teach her kids how to behave.

I too have noticed more and more old timers have started to disappear from the forums...

It sucks because these "old timers" are the mods lol

You can't have growth in a hobby without new guys.  Maybe you find yourself being able to relate to more of the veterans than new guys, but that's to be expected.  But if there were no new guys here, values would tank and your collection wouldn't be worth a dime.   Not to say that everyone does this for the money, but would you rather have a collection worth something, or a collection worth nothing?  I think everyone finds a bit of comfort knowing that if shit really hits the fan (death of a family member, natural disaster, etc.), they can probably turn some of their collection to cash.

I like the new crew because it reminds me of my roots.  They are usually looking for their favorites, they can't relate to sealed games, etc.  But once you see the size of some other collections on here, you get a bit humbled and realize we're all on the same team. 

As far as threadcrapping.... I'm 50/50.  Yeah I don't think you directly need to shit on someone's price, but sometimes prices are ridiculous.  Of course they shouldn't sell in theory, so just let it drop.

But when the person is of questionable character, I don't see a problem with someone mentioning that in their thread.  One that comes to mind recently is confizzle, who had a deal in place with alekx for a controller, then was fielding offers on that exact item through Finders Keepers.  Then basically acted like a pissed off teenager when confronted about it.

So yeah if he's selling something, people should know about his shady character.  Maybe when the HOS is up and running it won't be necessary, but for now that's the only way to notify people who don't keep up with the forums.  I certainly would appreciate it if I was about to buy something from someone who has a shady past.

If I had to do do one or the other,  I rather the community slow its growth and the prices tank.  Having a super large community with assholes and high prices, doesn't do anybody any favors except the people that resell games. I honestly don't care if my set takes a nosedive in price, and I don't bank on it in an emergency.  I collect because I enjoy owning the game and having them on the shelf . I don't think anybody should take comfort , or bank some part of their financial future based on the prices of video games. Prices just like stocks and can change in an instant if somebody finds a huge stash of them.  Just my opinion though.

I would love to see the community grow, but not at the expense of loosing the collecting base that made it attractive to begin with.

I could not agree with you MORE!
I don't give a crap about how much my collection is worth. Or how much I could or will get out if it when I decide to sell out...I am more about the people and friends I have made, and the knowledge I am getting out of learning about all things Nintendo.
I would rather learn good info from professional "adults" and make 1000 more friends than have my collection sky rocket in value and make money off of it.
Anybody who has traded with me knows I really don't care about the $$, but then again, they all know that I don't resell...I BS&T for fun...
Just another opinion.
Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-09-25T01:14:29 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-09-24T10:39:01 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Originally posted by: jonebone

Originally posted by: acomicbookguyc

Originally posted by: Benihana

Originally posted by: MasonSushi

One of the reasons I have slowed down on the forums is the massive influx of sheer assholes. Far too many people come here and talk shit and act like they know everything. I am an old collector that likes to take it easy, and help a fellow collector out. I send random stuff that will help somebody's collection, because it makes me happy not because I expect anything back. Now the new asshats are trying nickle and dime people, backstab, and just give game collectors a bad name. What ever happened to community??? I think there are far too many resellers here that don't really collect. Now I understand funding a collection by selling items, and i have no problem with people that own stores that collect. Why you ask?? Because they are collectors. The ones that have no interest in collecting and are just here to piss people off and make a buck can all F-off in my book.

I am a community man. I like peace and I want people to be able to work out there own problems. Talk it out like men, instead of crying for a mod at the slightest whiff of a problem. They are here to MODERATE, not play mommy and teach her kids how to behave.

I too have noticed more and more old timers have started to disappear from the forums...

It sucks because these "old timers" are the mods lol

You can't have growth in a hobby without new guys.  Maybe you find yourself being able to relate to more of the veterans than new guys, but that's to be expected.  But if there were no new guys here, values would tank and your collection wouldn't be worth a dime.   Not to say that everyone does this for the money, but would you rather have a collection worth something, or a collection worth nothing?  I think everyone finds a bit of comfort knowing that if shit really hits the fan (death of a family member, natural disaster, etc.), they can probably turn some of their collection to cash.

I like the new crew because it reminds me of my roots.  They are usually looking for their favorites, they can't relate to sealed games, etc.  But once you see the size of some other collections on here, you get a bit humbled and realize we're all on the same team. 

As far as threadcrapping.... I'm 50/50.  Yeah I don't think you directly need to shit on someone's price, but sometimes prices are ridiculous.  Of course they shouldn't sell in theory, so just let it drop.

But when the person is of questionable character, I don't see a problem with someone mentioning that in their thread.  One that comes to mind recently is confizzle, who had a deal in place with alekx for a controller, then was fielding offers on that exact item through Finders Keepers.  Then basically acted like a pissed off teenager when confronted about it.

So yeah if he's selling something, people should know about his shady character.  Maybe when the HOS is up and running it won't be necessary, but for now that's the only way to notify people who don't keep up with the forums.  I certainly would appreciate it if I was about to buy something from someone who has a shady past.

If I had to do do one or the other,  I rather the community slow its growth and the prices tank.  Having a super large community with assholes and high prices, doesn't do anybody any favors except the people that resell games. I honestly don't care if my set takes a nosedive in price, and I don't bank on it in an emergency.  I collect because I enjoy owning the game and having them on the shelf . I don't think anybody should take comfort , or bank some part of their financial future based on the prices of video games. Prices just like stocks and can change in an instant if somebody finds a huge stash of them.  Just my opinion though.

I would love to see the community grow, but not at the expense of loosing the collecting base that made it attractive to begin with.

Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-09-24T05:10:00 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56 Originally posted by: Ic3M4n

It's just wrong to limit someone for actions performed by someone else.

This makes a lot more sense.
Cutting Down on B/S/T Drivel & Threadshitting 2011-09-24T04:38:12 -05.00 GhaleonsDeadMyFriend 56
It was an example that restricted people based on other peoples actions and that is not how things should be done.

I could have gave any scenario such as you can't shop here because you are tall and tall people have stolen from us in the past.

It's just wrong to limit someone for actions performed by someone else. Innocent until proven guilty ]]>