NintendoAge -Sqooner The Ocarina of Time 2007-12-08T23:43:08 -05.00 mcat999 13

Look at the hacks. That should get you excited. ]]>
The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-29T11:00:42 -05.00 mcat999 13 I kind of wish they'd do this with other games too.  A Super Metroid Master Quest would be solid, and of course my favourite of all - A Link to the Past.  I love that game as if it were my son, but some mixed up dungeons would surely make it more interesting on my umpteenth time through ]]> The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-27T23:31:12 -05.00 mcat999 13 The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-24T14:38:15 -05.00 mcat999 13 The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-24T08:36:05 -05.00 mcat999 13 Originally posted by: Dr. Morbis

^ Man, Majora's Mask isn't even a Zelda game, it just has the name and Link character slapped on so that a bunch more schmoes will by it As for OOT, I'd say it's probably the best "modern" game ever, in the sense that it engrosses you and is a great "experience" from start to finish. The problem is that, much like most other modern games, once you've played through it once, it's tough to make the trek again. It has that "seen it all already" aspect to it, for me at least. I couldn't get past the third dungeon on my second try through many years ago - it had become an exercise in tedium. The original Zelda, on the other hand, has excellent GAME PLAY, and I have burned through it probably 20 times over the years as a result. To each his own, I guess...

I must of played through OOT at least 4 - 5 times, and then the master quest version on the gamecube once, I got my money's worth out of that cart.
IMO majora's mask is every bit a zelda game as any other zelda game, the magazines I buy now and bought in the N64 days still argue that this is the best zelda game ever, I think they could have a point but OOT came first and thats what does it for me, that game was the leap into 3d, not MM.

Each to there own though... ]]>
The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-23T18:34:49 -05.00 mcat999 13

As for OOT, I'd say it's probably the best "modern" game ever, in the sense that it engrosses you and is a great "experience" from start to finish. The problem is that, much like most other modern games, once you've played through it once, it's tough to make the trek again. It has that "seen it all already" aspect to it, for me at least. I couldn't get past the third dungeon on my second try through many years ago - it had become an exercise in tedium. The original Zelda, on the other hand, has excellent GAME PLAY, and I have burned through it probably 20 times over the years as a result.

To each his own, I guess... ]]>
The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-23T18:17:39 -05.00 mcat999 13 The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-23T12:12:23 -05.00 mcat999 13
Jason, before you start your job, try to fit it in.

And Dutch, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's nice having something like this game to remember him by. ]]>
The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-23T10:54:31 -05.00 mcat999 13 The Ocarina of Time 2007-11-23T10:00:44 -05.00 mcat999 13 thats funny real funny that you bring this up,its the game his birthday??

I bought this game for the n64 a while back,still playing( in the forest temple right now)
A  friend of my got this game when it came out,watch him play and played some part with him back in the day.Whe where blown away by this game,wow
He always had the latest games and consoles,i mean he had almost every game and console with his older brother.  Parents with ALOT of $$$

As a fan of the series (i played zelda1,zelda 2 and a link to the past before this game,i must say i had a hard time getting used to 3d zelda.
But i love 2d games more then 3d

Many fans say that ocarina is/was and always be the best game of the series!But is DISSAGREE.

For me a link to the past for the snes is the best zelda game!!
Many people consider this to be the second best in the series
So for me a link to the past is the ultimate zelda game followed by links awakening on the gameboy and suprise the windwaker on 3rd place

but maybe ill change my mind when i got the ocarina beaten! huh what??
YES i never finished the game back in the day( 1 0f 2 i didn't untill now)
My friend Dennis was his name had al these games and that was great,BUT having it al has a down side,you dont now what to play when you have great games  coming out 1 after another,so long rpgs did''t make it.

Dennis died a couple of years ago.
I picked up a n64 this summer with some games and zelda at a fleamarket,and i thought to myself,lets play and finish the game retro style,so when i feel like i play the game ,its real funny,i have these flashbacks,like we did this back then and thats real cool,but some times i find out some parts are real different then i thought i  did its like playing a proto and things have changed.
This game is not my favorite zelda game from the series BUT it always had some type of atraction ,its special,just the title screen gives me goesbumps.
I always think of dennis when i see this game and its freaky but i like playing it like some memory lane type of thing and have the feeling i need to beat the game to close the book.
