NintendoAge -Sqooner AVS size question 2018-08-07T23:31:43 -05.00 breadpuddin 9 Originally posted by: Dusty Diamond
Originally posted by: Mog

Get a PowerPak, you won't ever have to worry about changing carts.  
I've thought about that, mainly because I keep my games on a different floor than my main TV.

Wow, I thought I was dedicated hauling carts in from another room. You're a trooper!
AVS size question 2018-06-20T18:30:37 -05.00 breadpuddin 9 Originally posted by: Mog

Get a PowerPak, you won't ever have to worry about changing carts.   I've thought about that, mainly because I keep my games on a different floor than my main TV.

AVS size question 2018-06-20T18:27:33 -05.00 breadpuddin 9 Originally posted by: Austin

Nice. Welcome to the AVS club! Thanks, I am really enjoying it.

AVS size question 2018-06-20T07:42:39 -05.00 breadpuddin 9   ]]> AVS size question 2018-06-20T03:31:06 -05.00 breadpuddin 9 AVS size question 2018-06-18T10:57:58 -05.00 breadpuddin 9 AVS size question 2018-05-23T16:01:54 -05.00 breadpuddin 9 AVS size question 2018-05-23T14:01:14 -05.00 breadpuddin 9
AVS size question 2018-05-23T13:55:54 -05.00 breadpuddin 9 I have been considering purchasing an AVS on and off for about a year, and it is decision time now.
Due to the layout of our living room, the TV has to go in the corner.  Corner TV stands like mine generally have limited space, and I don't plan on buying a new TV stand to accomodate the AVS.   On my TV stand, a front loading console can easily fit in the somewhat narrow compartments under the TV and a top loading console can be tucked behind the TV on top.  The problem that I may have is that the AVS is basically a front loading console that requires top clearance, so it has the space limitations of a front loader AND a top loader.
Could someone tell me what the physical dimensions of the AVS are (I could not find anything precise online) and how much clearance you need above in addition to the console's height.  I am not talking about opening the lid to a full 90 degrees, just enough to be able to easily insert and remove games.