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4 in 1 Mindblower Pack [Piggyback]

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Packaging (front)

Packaging (back)
Alternate Title: H.E.S.
Class: Unlicensed
Misc: Piggyback
Publisher: HES
Developer: Sachen
Region: Australia (AUS)
7  Cart: Rare
8  Box: Very Rare
8  Manual: Very Rare
Peripherals: Standard or Compatible Controller
# of Players: 1-Player Single
Extended Play: None
TV Format: PAL-A
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
UPC Code: 9-312590-130236
Pak Type:
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Used Price: NEI

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From the Publisher
HES Presents Mindblower Pak Math Quiz: Test your mathematical skills and have fun at the same time. Jackpot: Play the pokies in the comfort of your lounge room. Arctic Adventure: Go north into 50 levels of puzzling adventure with Mr. Penguin Galactic Crusader: The ultimate shoot-em-up game with multi-level excitement.