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User Blogs
Results by blog date (descending)
Blogs Member Last Entry Blog Date
1 Andrew Burton (0) 6 Top-Notch Tourist Attractions in Bari 03/15/2017
2 MattMan (5)
Nintendo Collector v2.1 is now available for download. 8/21/2018 03/04/2017
1 rickymartin (0) Sports Spread Betting Explained Quick And Easy 03/04/2017
4 empire (58)
Games I beat in 2017 02/13/2017
3 larone (0) Tournaments are ideal to Buy Fifa 17 Coins 12/23/2016
12 uatudawatcha (2) ChristNES Day 10 : Life Force 12/10/2016
1 NESking80 (15)
NESking's reviews: TMNT tournament fighters (SNES) 11/22/2016
1 precio del dolar (0) Precio del dolar en chile hoy. 11/09/2016
1 Masterofzelda (4) Always looking for new Zelda merchandise old and new. 10/15/2016
1 Link1981-420 (0) I just bought 2 Virtual Boys and I am willing to sell one price negotiable. Works great and has been tested. 09/09/2016
1 Helpmewithmyn64 (0) My Japanese n64 problems 08/25/2016
1 AggroFemme (0) Won't be blogging here really, as I'm co-owner of a blog already. But I figured one entry won't hurt! 07/07/2016
1 The Hero (426)
School, Work, and Play! 06/07/2016
1 Cmercier1985 (0) Starting my NES Collection and playing Life Force 06/06/2016
3 Benihana (154)
Memblers Game Genie Flash Board 05/29/2016
1 The DEW (0) Hello, I am new and still trying to figure things out. 05/10/2016
1 Excite bike 365 (0) Hey everybody I'm new here. I collect every Nintendo console and am focusing mostly on games now. I have almost 200 games in my collection now. I am trying to up the value of my collection buy getting great games for each Nintendo console. I'm really enjoying Gameboy, DS, NES, and gamecube right now. let me know if u are aware of great ebay auctions for me or just some great games to pick up for a system. thanks. 04/18/2016
1 ne$_pimp (56)
Rtype 04/10/2016
1 KingYoshi (66)
Compiled Doll Page 04/07/2016
1 DaneNES (7)
DaneNES AKA "8-bitguarilla" 02/25/2016
3 ALTQQ (79)
Back into collecting 02/08/2016
1 subitoit (0) Annunci 01/22/2016
1 smeagolsama (211)
Selling List 01/13/2016
3 POB1337 (30)
Games completed in 2016! 12/28/2015
1 zi (73)
Complete List of 8-Bit Music (NES Chipset) 12/02/2015