1. Go to your "My Home" page and click the "View All Transactions".
  2. Then click "Not Given".
  3. Pick the transaction that you want to leave feedback for.
  4. Click the "Leave Feedback" button.
  5. Type a small summary on how you felt the transaction went.
  6. Use the "Moment of Truth" field to add in-depth details to expand upon your experience.
  7. Choose from "Positive," "Neutral," or "Negative" from the Rating choices.
  8. Rate the detailed criteria from 1 to 10, 10 being the best. Hint: By default, all detailed criteria are selected as 10's until you change them.
  9. Then pick if you would Trade/Sell/Buy from the user again and click the "Post Feedback Button". Hint: Selecting "No" will ban this user from trading with you.